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DreamBox Insight Dashboard for Educators and Admins

Our Insight Dashboard provides you with formative, summative, and predictive reports so you always know where your students are, how they’re growing, and how you can help. We encourage DreamBox educators to check out the rich reporting capabilities and informative reports in the dashboard to gauge how your students have grown, what standards they have achieved proficiency in and where areas of growth remain.

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District and School Administrator Reports

This report shows three metrics to demonstrate DreamBox’s impact on your students’ mathematical journey. The Progress in DreamBox and Standards Gained metrics are available for all educators, while our Growth metric is only available at the district and school levels for grades K-5 in the U.S.

Student Usage Report

The usage metrics are designed to be simple and clear– showing information for every student, even those who aren’t playing or have only played a small amount. A significant improvement over the old Average Active Student report, the new report shows more detailed information, such as overall district metrics on minutes played and student log-ins. For a breakdown of student activity by day or week, narrow your Student Usage Reports by selecting the month and then filtering to the week of the month you would like to view.

Change my Standards

The current selected standards appear at the top of each page. Simply click the name of the standards to see a list of available standards. From that screen, click the standards you’d like to choose, and it changes the standards you’re viewing.

A Class Standards Report, Assignment History & Activity Feed

Report options appear on the view levels for which they are applicable. A standards report shows information for individual students at the classroom level and will appear when a classroom is selected in the filters. Use the navigation filters at the top of the page to drill down to view a specific classroom, and the standards report option will appear. To find an individual student’s data, use the filters to choose the student, then click the Student Standards Report.

How to Create an Assignment for a Class

The Assignment History Report is another classroom-level report available on the Reports Page and within that report you can create an assignment for the class. To access it, use the filters to drill down to a classroom and select the report. Teachers can also make assignments from the homepage. They can access it by scrolling toward the bottom of the content to find the Assignments section.

My School’s Class code

If you’re a district administrator, confirm you’ve picked a school from the top navigation. For Roster information by class, go to Roster via Settings Teachers can also access this information on the homepage in the “Roster Management” section.

View Student Overview

Navigate to a specific student using the filters and select the Student Overview Report. Teachers can also access this reporting view by clicking on a student’s name on the homepage, and then clicking the link for “view student overview” on the next page in the Student Usage section.

View Mode

Administrators and district leaders: you can now grab a teacher viewpoint on DreamBox. Use the drop-down box at the top of your dashboard homepage to select a teacher. From there, you’ll click the Open Home View button to see that teacher’s homepage.

Dashboard Usage Report

Determine how your teachers are engaging with DreamBox by using the Dashboard Usage Report to monitor how often teachers are logging in to the Insight Dashboard. DreamBox recommends teachers log in at least weekly to monitor student progress, determine who needs assistance and encourage their students.

District and School Administrator Reports

An Overview of All My Classrooms

When you filter to “All Classrooms” you will get a top-level report. You can also get here by using the breadcrumbs in the Student Usage Report.

My Class Overview

Your homepage will have an overview of the current week’s data. If you want to see longer term data, visit your Reports Page for historical reports like Student Usage. For a single student overview, select a specific student in the homepage and go to the Student Usage Section. Note: 5 lessons/green/checkmark means weekly goal met; other colors are 5 lesson increments.

Family Letter, Login Cards and Login Info, Whether Parents have linked an account

This resource is great to share with students’ families.

Activity Feed Report, Assignment History & Standards Report

Report options appear on the view levels for which they are applicable. A standards report shows information for individual students at the classroom level and will appear when a classroom is selected in the filters. Use the navigation filters to drill down to view a specific classroom, and the standards report option will appear. To find an individual student’s data, click the Student Activity Feed Report or Student Standards Report.

Create an Assignment

At the bottom of your Homepage, click on 'add assignment' button. This will allow you to select specific students or assign a lesson to your entire class. You can also create assignments using the Assignment History Report, found on the Reports Page. To access that report, filter down to the classroom level using filters at the top and then select the Assignment History Report once the option appears.

View Student-Specific Standards & Assignments

For standards: select a specific student in the homepage and scroll down to Currently Playing. For assignments, scroll down to the assignment section of the homepage.

DreamBox Impact Report

This report shows DreamBox’s impact on your students’ mathematical journey. Progress in DreamBox shows a student’s progression through DreamBox’s curriculum with the goal of hitting 100%. Standards Gained records the impact of a student’s progression through DreamBox by calculating the number of standards they have become proficient in using DreamBox this school year.

Teacher and Educator Reports

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